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KI-KELAG International GmbH facilitates sustainable use of solar energy with its photovoltaic plants in Slovenia.

KI-KELAG International GmbH has generation capacities in seven locations in the photovoltaics sector. The installed capacity of the plants is about 10 MW.

our implemented projects

Investors Interenergo d.o.o. Ljubljana
Owner and Operator Solarne elektrane Bukovica d.o.o.
Location Jasenice, Croatia
Production Capacity 6.25 MW
Electricity Supply 3.500 households



The plant in Mura was completed at the end of 2012 and feeds electricity from renewable energy into the grid.


Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Murska Sobota, Slovenia
Generation capacity 1.3 MW
Electricity supply 400 households




The plant in Volcja Draga has been supplying around 200 households with green electricity since its completion.


Investor Interenergo d.o.o. 
Project company Interenergo d.o.o. 
Location Volcja Draga, Slovenia
Generation capacity 0.6 MW
Electricity supply 200 households





Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Mokronog, Slovenia
Generation capacity 49.92 kW
Electricity supply 20 households





Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Limbus, Slovenia
Generation capacity 117.81 kW
Electricity supply 50 households




Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Limbus, Slovenia
Generation capacity 47.36 kW
Electricity supply 20 households




Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Trebnje, Slovenia
Generation capacity 102 kW
Electricity supply 40 households




Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Lendava, Slovenia
Generation capacity 181.4 kW
Electricity supply 70 households




Investor Interenergo d.o.o.
Project company Interenergo d.o.o.
Location Ormož, Slovenia
Generation capacity 456 kW
Electricity supply 150 households